Open House Input Form
The City of Swisher held an open house for the update to its comprehensive plan, which looks at current conditions and provides a long-term vision for the community. This form provides an option for residents who were unable to attend the open house to provide feedback on the goals and objectives proposed under each comprehensive plan topic. There are six planning topics, each with unique goals and accompanying objectives. Goals are general statements of the desired direction for the community. Objectives are actions that will move the community in the desired direction. A link to the Open House posters is below (Community Services and Facilities and Parks and Recreation are in the same poster).
You are invited to review the goals and check the box for your top one or two objectives for each topic. Each resident of a Swisher household is welcome to respond separately, but please provide only one response per person. Site registration is required to facilitate data integrity. Your answers will be kept anonymous.
Thank you in advance for your participation!